Popular Services
Event services are available for all EMU faculty, staff and students. We are here to support your efforts toward the mission of the university. Due to limited resources, AV services are only available for a fee.
Check our Event Support Schedule to find our availability
An ID card is issued to each student, faculty, staff, affiliate and retiree.
Moodle is an open source application used for learning management.
Faculty/Staff can reserve Helpdesk equipment by going to emu.libcal.com or by contacting the Helpdesk.
The EMU directory is located in my.emu.edu. All faculty, staff, students and emeriti are listed in the EMU directory. Users must be logged in to view student contact information.
The EMU website is designed, developed and maintained by the Web Work Team (WWT). This is a collaborative effort between marketing services and information systems. The team is made up of staff from both marketing and information services. The team plans and discusses issues related to the EMU website.
Information Supports the university's efforts toward creation care.
The Helpdesk provides a single point of contact for information services support.
Software at EMU is centrally managed. IS will assist with negotiations, acquisition and management of licenses. By having central management, IS is able to advocate for strategic solutions that brings the most benefit to EMU.
myEMU is the intranet for EMU faculty, staff and students.
Student Information Systems provides reporting services to assist faculty and staff with retrieving J1 data.
Information Systems provides the following software for data analysis: JASP, R, SPSS
Networked multi-function devices are located in centralized spaces on campus.
PaperCut is used to manage networked printers and multi-function devices. It is also used to track and charge printing, copying and scanning
Most applications including J1 and network drives (select the File Explorer app) are available in EMU Appstream. We encourage all users to use this service first. Most users will be able to work remotely using only AppStream.
Microsoft O365 includes: Outlook, Teams, Word, Excel, PowerPoint, OneNote, Forms, Sway, Visio
Microsoft Office includes: Outlook, Word, Excel, PowerPoint, OneNote, Access, Publisher
Amazon AppStream is available as a service for all faculty, staff, and students to access EMU Apps anywhere, anytime, and from any device, including personal computers. Click on an app and sign in with your ROYALS username and password to get started. Network storage is accessible from within AppStream apps.