Email to Print

To send and email from a personal device to copier on campus send an email to (please make sure to include a subject in this e-mail since if not, your e-mail will get blocked and not go through). The print server will process the job and it will be available a short time later on the copiers after you sign in.

The following types of files are supported by email to print:  Microsoft Excel, Microsoft PowerPoint, Microsoft Word, PDF, Picture Files.
To retrieve your sent print jobs swipe your ID card at the copier. Make sure the login screen is displayed. 

After signing in, select 'Print Release' to see the list of pending jobs, or 'Print All' to release all pending jobs

Select Print on the following screen and your job will print. 

After printing, remember to Log Out.

Note for faculty & staff: Faculty & Staff must log in to to assign billing information to the job before it will be sent to the printer.  If you would like to print to a printer not included in the list of Mobility Print-enabled printers above, please contact the Helpdesk and we can work with you to install the Papercut client on your computer.

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