Laptop Best Practices

Tags laptop

Data Storage

IS encourages all users to store their files on Google Drive or the network file servers.  Data stored on the network is regularly backed up and is protected from unauthorized access. Network file access is available for users to access their network files from any computer with an internet connection, see VPN.

Faculty and staff desiring the convenience of cloud services are strongly encouraged to use EMU’s Google Drive and Google Team Drives.  Users must not store confidential data in personal cloud storage services (Dropbox, Personal Google Drive Account, iCloud, etc) or on personal devices.  See page 11 of the IS Policy Manual for more information about what constitutes confidential data, and to read about the risks and consequences of storing confidential data on personal cloud storage, or on personal devices.

Data Backups

IS does not recommend storing data locally on your laptop whenever possible, as this data is vulnerable to total loss in the event of a hardware failure or loss of the laptop.  

If a user must store data locally on their laptop, IS recommends that the data be backed up whenever possible to an EMU network drive or an EMU Google Drive account.


Because laptop computers are intended to be portable, they are more fragile than desktop units and thus more susceptible to damage. Additionally, because laptops are designed as a unit, a single defective part can render the entire laptop unusable--you can't simply replace a power, network or audio connector if they are damaged, it typically requires replacing the entire motherboard.

  • Use caution when eating or drinking near the laptop.

  • Use the case for carrying the laptop. Carrying cases are designed to absorb shocks and when you drop the laptop any padding helps.

  • The EMU employee should be the exclusive user of the laptop. It is not a replacement for a home computer.

  • When traveling, protect your laptop from theft. Lock your car doors, hide the computer case under a seat or in the trunk. Keep the case strap wrapped around your leg.

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Related Services / Offerings (1)

Information Systems (IS) manages over 800 computer for the EMU community. These are used by Faculty, Staff and student computer labs. Our current policy requires IS to provide a standard desktop computer to every faculty member and all staff members who have jobs that require access to a computer. The computer is provided for employees to complete their job requirements. It is not a replacement for a personal computer. All software installed on EMU computers needs to be legally licensed.