Connect a Chromebook to EMU Wifi

  1. Open the settings window by moving the mouse down to the lower right side of the screen and click on the time.
  2. In the pop up window look for the wifi section in the upper left corner of the pop up window and click on the words “Not Connected” underneath the wifi icon.
  3. The pop up window will update and show a list of available networks.
  4. Select the EMU network by clicking on it.
  5. A new window will come up where you can configure the connection.  Below are the items that need to be configured.
    • EAP method: PEAP
    • Phase 2 authentication: MSCHAPV2
    • Server CA certificate: Default
    • Domain suffix match: 
    • Identity: Your EMU username (Not email)
    • Password: Your EMU password.
  6. Select Connect at the bottom of the screen to continue.
  7. Once the word “Connected” appears underneath the EMU wireless network you will be able to use EMU wireless.
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Personal devices can be connected to the EMU wireless network. The Helpdesk can assist with connecting your device if you encounter problems. The Helpdesk does not assist with hardware or software issues on personal devices.