Technology Code of Responsibility for Students

All Eastern Mennonite University (EMU) students who are granted accounts to any EMU technology system(s) must read and periodically agree to the following Technology Code of Responsibility for Students. Students may be periodically prompted during the network login process to affirm this Code of Responsibility.

My use of the EMU network constitutes agreement to the following statements:

  1. I will abide by all EMU Information Systems (IS) Policies.
  2. I will not engage in prohibited activities, including, but not limited to:
    • Using technology resources to threaten or harass others, even as a joke.
    • Knowingly distributing malware, phishing emails or other malicious communication.
    • Attempting to gain access to computers or network accessible resources for which I am not authorized.
    • Hosting for-profit activities using EMU resources (e.g. selling items for personal profit or promoting a personal business—with the exception of advertisements in the eClassifieds system on
    • Using the EMU network or other technology resources for criminal or malicious activities.
  3. My account (Royal username and password) identifies me to EMU systems. I will safeguard my account by:
    • Not allowing others to use my EMU accounts; nor will I use someone else's account.
    • Securing my computer against unauthorized access, including using a password-secured screensaver.
    • Not leaving my computer unattended without securing it by either logging out from it or using a password-protected screen saver.
    • Using strong passwords1 and not storing my password(s) in places where others can easily see them.
    • Treating login pages and requests for my password with skepticism. IS will never ask for your password.
  4. I agree that it is illegal to download or share materials in violation of copyright law; that I will respect all copyright laws and that the following referenced documents define the enforcement processes relating to copyright violation allegations for the EMU campus community.
    • The Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA) provides strict rules governing the use of copyright protected materials. []
    • The Higher Education Opportunity Act of 2008 requires that EMU disclose certain information to students. 
    • When EMU receives notification of alleged copyright infringements the computer owner (if the computer is not owned by EMU) or the computer user (if the computer is owned by EMU) will face disciplinary actions.
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